Episode 31
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credit to dramoak at soompi and imbc.

jumong ep. 31:
naru arrives in hyeonto with news from daeso to yangjeong and yangjeong tells his generals jumong's army has left buyeo headed for the small nation of sam-il to stop army from hyeonto. yangjeong tells his advisor he wants to meet jumong and sam-il nation will be where jumong shall be buried. naru also relates to message to yang seolran asking her to understand him and that his feeling toward her will not change throughout the war.

jumong is heading his group of warriors toward ap-pu-ryeong as planned, but jumong stops them and tells his group their plan to go toward appuryeong is likely exposed to yangjeong through daeso already, thus they will take a different route. daeso is about to go out with a different group of army and king geumwa watches as daeso personally trains his group. afterwards daeso reports to the king and geumwa tells him until jumong returns daeso must take up jumong's responsibility and daeso replies yes. yeongpo goes after daeso and asks if he will really assist jumong and daeso replies yes. next, dochi asks to see yeongpo outside the palace, and dochi promises to create a great contribution for yeongpo, if yeongpo will help him. dochi explains due to the war a big inflation has occured on goods in buyeo, and dochi wants yeongpo to allow dochi to import goods from haengin nation so he can make handsome money. naru returns and tells daeso yangjeong has sent troops toward appuryeong, and will be sending steel warriors toward sam-il nation. naru also reports seolran has also received and accepted daeso's message.

next daeso comes to see soseono in yeontabal's base. soseono greets daeso and asks what brings him here. daeso says he is sitting in for jumong in his absense and came to examine the supplies needed for material unit. daeso then asks soseono how long does she think he will wait for her, and tells her after the war he believes she will want him, and if she still rejects him then he is not sure what he might do either. soseono listens to his warning and when sayong comes to ask soseono replies daeso is blackmailing her. soseono says at one point she had good feeling toward daeso but that is all gone now. sayong comments by choosing to help jumong she has chose a great risk, and sayong advises her not to belittle daeso just because they have chosen buyeo.

jumong and his warriors are waiting for the arrival of yangjeong's warriors, and the trio check on the young gojoseon boy, cheondong, whom they brought with them. jumong tells the boy he has not brought him here to fight in war, but to witness personally what battle feels like so he can always remember what his parents went through. yangjeong's warriors arrive and jumong's group ambushes them with firely arrows, followed by sword slashings. cheondong at first watches the battle but joins in and slashes enemy while jumong keeps an eye on him. mopalmo tells musong he will fight in the war too and musong says if he insists he will go too. just then lady yoohwa summons musong to bring in the fortune man who is spreading rumors in town causing unsettlement among people. musong brings in the man who tells everyone that buyeo is going against the gods for fighting. yoohwa demands the man to confess who is the one behind him for his rumor spreading. the man says he is merely following the god's order. yoohwa says he will be killed so he can stop the crime, and the man finally confesses it was the queen who told him to do this. yoohwa tells her maid museok to bring the queen and the oracle mawuryeong and both arrive with their entourage of maids. yoohwa brings the fake fortuneman and confronts the two this was their doing. mawuryeong denies and the queen demands what yoohwa is doing. yoohwa says the king is already upset over sachuldo's division with him, and asks how will he react to news of this crime. yoohwa warns the two to be one with the nation since it's at war or else.
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I'm biased towards Soseono though ^ ^

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soseono leads the group of material unit toward jinbeom and imdun when they are ambushed by an unknown army. sayong gets deeply wounded and soseono puts sayong on a horse and orders him to flee immediately. the army kill off many of soseono's men and gyepil has a knife at his throat. soseono has no choice but put down her sword to surrender, and orders wootae the same. a deeply wounded sayong rides off on the horse. meanwhile the army men turn out to be led by song yang of jolbon's biryu, who tells soseono he has vowed to her before that he would never forget the shame she brought him. soseono clearly states she is not here as a gyeru person, rather as material unit for buyeo. sayong returns to yeontabal nearly unconscious and tells yeontabal soseono has been captured by biryu's general song yang. sayong faints and a message from song yang arrives telling yeontabal to give up his position of head of gyeru in return for soseono's life.

daeso reports to geumwa their group is ready to leave and asks for departure approval. geumwa replies the order will come from jumong the chief of war. yeontabal arrives in court and reports to the king their material unit has been attacked. the queen's brother comments they should not have entrusted such responsibility in yeontabal in the first place. other generals and advisors are all upset and says they cannot have jumong lead the war like this and the army men would be deeply wavered if they find out their material unit has been rid of. the queen's brother urges the king to call jumong back and reconsider their war plan. afterwards yeontabal tells daeso song yang has joined hands with yangjeong and the attack of soseono's group must have been directed by yangjeong. next, daeso tells yeongpo and his uncle he will go save soseono for he cannot let the material unit remain unsaved. budeukbul urges the king to reconsider war strategy but the king replies he believes in jumong's leadership thus they will wait.

after successfully battling the enemy at ap-puryeong, the trio are leading a group of men, when they are met with another group of buyeo army who relates the news of soseono's capture. meanwhile jumong and his group of gojoseon remnant and baeksan nomad warriors are met by han's army and jumong's group successfully escapes. afterwards jumong tells his men where they are is where they will set up trap for steel warriors. back in buyeo daeso gets a group ready and tells naru to lead the group to bonjin to save soseono, since daeso can't leave. naru's group is headed out when he is stopped by the queen's brother who brings naru to the queen. the queen tells naru not to save soseono. naru complains it was daeso's order, but yeongpo orders naru to hush and follow the queen's order. the queen tells naru what she is doing is for daeso's benefit and there will not be harm on naru thus he is to follow her order.

meanwhile a captured and bounded soseono, wootae, and gyepil wonder about sayong's whereabouts when gyepil says this is all because they shouldn't have gotten involved. wootae urges his father to stop saying such but soseono says gyepil is right this is all because of her naive behavior which will only bring harm to jumong. the king's messenger army returns with news of jumong's success and the king wants to leave for battle. daeso asks the king to wait since he has sent a group to save the material unit, and budeukbul is surprised to hear this while the king agrees with daeso.

jumong and his group ambush the oncoming steel warriors of hyeonto, but the steel warriors are strong and great in number, thus jumong's group is losing but the trio and their group arrive to assist in the battle. jumong's group is winning and the remaining steel warriors flee. the trio report to jumong the material unit was attacked and soseono has been captured alive. yeontabal goes to gyeru and tells yeomieul soseono has been captured by biryu's general song yang and he is here to save her. yeomieul states if yeontabal has movement it will endanger soseono's life, thus he should do whatever song yang wants. yeontabal replies the one song yang wants is undoubtedly yeontabal's life and in order to save soseono he is prepared to die thus he will go to song yang. yeomieul offers to meet with song yang instead, saying song yang would not dare to harm her for she is an oracle. yeontabal is grateful and yeomieul says since he's helped her she is now helping him.

after troubled thinking, jumong decides to go toward song yang. meanwhile song yang who has not heard from yeontabal tells his man to prepare for travel to hyeonto. song yang goes to soseono and states her father seems to want her dead for not responding to him. soseono replies her father is someone who can forsake himself if needed, and warns song yang her father could be sending an army toward biryu this very moment, and if she dies song yang will die too. song yang mocks her arrogance and tells her if he doesn't hear from yeontabal by morning she is dead. after song yang leaves gyepil tells her she should beg for her life but soseono remains firm.

it is nighttime and jumong and his group have found song yang's camp. they begin attacking the guards and the two groups begin fighting.

korean jackie chan
